Thursday, June 2, 2011

About to get ready. Just simple make-up and probably shorts and slippers. That's horrible. Shorts and slippers. I might as well rip holes in my clothing and beg for money by the roadside. No offence to homeless people. I have been feeling a little worn down lately. I feel tired and uninspired. As if fate would have it, I came across a certain quote on Tumblr about how inspiration is not found if you wait for it but if you just live your life, it will find you. Just go do your work, no complains or procrastination whatsoever. Inspiration will then come. So motivated I am by the quote that I decide to stop this lazing around and buck the fuck up.

Will head out to meet my girl and Yasin, who'll be serving NS in about 6 days time. June will be a very busy and fulfilling month for me. I can't wait.

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